1. Circular Quay

2. I wish kids would wear uniforms in french schools too. How cute are these little ones?

3. This boat is humongous!

4. Anish Kapoor – Sky Mirror

5. 6. 7. Anish Kapoor – My Red Homeland (Who would have known that 25 tons of red parafine would look so fascinating?)

8. I like my body when it is with your body 😉

9. Modern version of a marble sculpture

10. I’m sure i’m the first ever to have had this idea

11. Towards New Seas as seen by Robert MacPherson in 1978

12. Why??

13. Overall the permanent collection at the MCA was a load of bollocks. Australian contemporary art sucks real hard. The Anish Kapoor exhibition though was great.


  1. Catherine

    Cette immonde substance rouge ?… Lasagnes, cannelloni, raviolis en devenir ?!
    Beurk !

    • Ah non Mam! Faut voir l’oeuvre dans son entièreté, c’est vraiment super!

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