I’ve been back from Russia for 10 days now and it’s been very difficult to try and write a little epilogue.

As soon as I was back, life in Paris started again with its whirlwind of things to do, people to see, countless stimuli but mostly its monotonous rythm and memories of a time where I was mostly unhappy and unfree.

My beautiful life in St Petersburg suddenly feels like a distant memory or a dream or a parallel line.

I am missing it. Mainly I am missing being alone. I think I’m entering a massive shift in my life as I crave and seek aloneness incredibly. It’s such a liberating thing to be away from everything and everyone. Obviously I am also missing the city itself, its freezing wind and its timeless decor.

Time has now come for a new chapter but I know that I will be back at some point. Not sure how, where or when, but I don’t give up on the thing I love so easily.

So long.

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