Well… I guess you might wonder where I’m at with my “read more books” 2013 resolution. I really should be reviewing more than one a month, right?
You see… The thing is I’ve been spending time at the beach reading all of these below. Does that qualify?
Returning to Australia three weeks ago was quite something.
The first thing that stroke me as I stepped outside was the smell. The magnificent, warm, flowery smell out there. I travelled back in time 11 years and a flow of wonderful memories (evening walks, conversations, sensations) joyfully came back to me. I was walking around with the biggest, stupidest smile on my face. Doppy french girl!
On the day I left Sydney, 11 years ago, I was devastated. My poor friend Rob who drove me to the airport had to helplessly witness me cry my eyes out for the whole journey. Not only had I fallen head over heels in love but it was breaking my heart to leave this unexpected haven where life was sweet, safe and fun. Maybe it’s the fact that this country is almost as big as the US but with a population of only 20 million people but I felt a sense of possibilities that I had never felt before. And almost a feeling of eternity that’s very hard to describe. Australia is so far from the world that it seems out of time. The absence of history (well, not as such because the history of Australia is fascinating, but the absence of oldness, in a much more obvious way than the US) makes you feel brand new and free. Living near the Ocean also had an incredible soothing quality and I knew that lifestyle had changed me and made me a happier person. It was really ridiculously hard to go.
But you know me, right?
I made a solemn promise to myself that I would be back. I didn’t know where or when, but I swore I wasn’t done with the dream and that I would get to smell frangipanny trees again.
So it’s hard to explain the overwhelming joy I felt as I set foot here again. I was strangely amazed that it was still there. Nothing much had changed and the haven had always been there for me to come back to.
Oh and there is something very special about keeping one’s promises to oneself.
1. Circular Quay
2. I wish kids would wear uniforms in french schools too. How cute are these little ones?
3. This boat is humongous!
4. Anish Kapoor – Sky Mirror
5. 6. 7. Anish Kapoor – My Red Homeland (Who would have known that 25 tons of red parafine would look so fascinating?)
8. I like my body when it is with your body 😉
9. Modern version of a marble sculpture
10. I’m sure i’m the first ever to have had this idea
11. Towards New Seas as seen by Robert MacPherson in 1978
12. Why??
13. Overall the permanent collection at the MCA was a load of bollocks. Australian contemporary art sucks real hard. The Anish Kapoor exhibition though was great.
A day in Bondi with Kim.
We did the Bondi to Coogee walk and I had the chance to revisit Waverley Cemetery which is the most incredible cemetery I have ever seen. Right on the cliffs. Very Wuthering Heights innit.
Icebergs is now officially my favourite ocean pool.
My amazing and inspiring friend Sam shared this:
“If you do not choose to lead, you will forever be led by others. Find what scares you, and do it. And you can make a difference, if you choose to do so”– J. Michael Straczynski
When I met Sam I was struck by his sense of humor, his kindness and his courage. How many lives does this man have? Truly humbling.
While being in Malibu I had a session with nutritionist Jessica Hummel who helpt me design a meal routine that wouldn’t be – yet again – another diet but something I can sustain my whole life. Think lifestyle change – not diet. This is what it looks like.
Breakfast: (to be had an hour within waking up)
1) sweet
- 3/4 to 1 cup of greek yogurt
- 1 cup of berries
- 1 cup of cereal (quinoa flakes or Bob Red Mill gluten free oats and grains available on amazon)
2) savory
- 2 eggs (or 1 egg + 1 egg white)
- any non starchy vegs (peppers, onions, mushrooms)
- 1-2 slices of gluten free toast (Food for Life)
- 1/4 small avocado
Lunch: (4-5 hours after breakfast)
- Soup (veggie and 1/2 cup of beans)
- Salad (or wrap or sandwich) with: greens, one protein (fish, meat or egg), oil and vinegar (1-2 tsp), 1/4 to 1/2 cup of quinoa or 1 serving of whole grain crackers (gluten free) or brown rice/corn/buckwheat tortilla or brown rice.
Snack: (4pm or if I have dinner early, after dinner – but no later than 8pm)
- Pair one protein with one fruit: banana/apple & egg, or Artisana nut butter with pear or 1/2 cup of greek yogurt with 1/2 cup of berries, or 1-2 tbsp of hummus and cucumber slices/any non starchy veg, or smoothie with 1 cup of frozen berries, 1 cup of almond milk and chia seeds, or endive leaves with shrimp and fresh pico de gallo filling or watermelon, mozarella and mint skewers or 1/2 banana with 1 serving of almonds (around 13), or roasted seaweed rolls with string cheese and shredded carrot filling etc…….)
Dinner: (either early at 5pm or 7:30pm)
If early, just repeat the plate diagram (1/2 green, 1/4 protein, 1/4 starchy foods) if later no starch just protein and veg.
Bedtime: no later than 11pm
NB: 3 liters of water should be drunk everyday – mainly away from meals because water dilutes the digestion enzymes…