Last night we had a very powerful thunderstorm, which kept most of us up all night. Seems at some point we even got hit by lightning as the power went off until later in the morning. As we left for our hike we could see some fires on the hills – like on the left here, where you can see some of the smoke.

Anasazi petroglyphs, over 1000 years old.


Zion is an old hebrew word that means “refuge” or “sanctuary”.

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 The Wild Bunch


Scout Cave hike

Our 3 guides: Carol, Sue and Kendell


It’s official. I can now say that I am 100% asthma free


Snow Canyon hike – day 2

Kendell (aka “The Hiking Wizard”) – one of our awesome hiking guides


“Night was advancing. I perceived the heavens, some stars, and a little verdure. This first sensation was a delicious moment. I felt nothing farther. I was returning at this instant to life, and it seemed to me I filled, with my frail existence, every object I perceived. In this state I recollected, at that instant, nothing; I had not the least distinct notion of my individual, not the least idea of that which had just happened; I knew not who or where I was; I felt neither pain, nor fear, nor uneasiness. I saw my blood run, as I had seen a stream run, without, in the least, dreaming that this blood belonged to me in any sort. I felt all over my frame a ravishing calm, to which, each time I recall it to my remembrance, I never felt any thing comparable in the greatest activity of known pleasures.”

Reveries of a Solitary Walker – Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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Snow Canyon hike


(Note to self)

A delicious breakfast smoothie:

– Ice

– 2 frozen bananas (peel before freezing)

– 1/2 cup of greek yogurt

– 2 table spoons of peanut butter (organic)

– 1 table spoon of honey

– 2 cups of chocolate almond milk

– 1/2 cup of protein powder (optional)