“Peu à peu ses pupilles, qui d’habitude n’avaient de couleur que par intermittence, comme un feu à éclipses, se remplirent de ce bleu clair et plein d’âme que seules, entre tous les éléments, peuvent former la profondeur de l’eau et la profondeur du sentiment humain. Et ce bleu éclatant montait du fond des prunelles, s’avançait, pénétrait en moi; je sentais que l’onde ardente qui émanait d’elles traversait mon être moelleusement, s’y répandait largement et donnait à mon âme une joie vaste et étrange: toute ma poitrine était soudainement dilatée par le jaillissement de cette puissance et je sentais s’épanouir en moi le grand midi de l’Italie.”
La Confusion des sentiments – Stefan Zweig
“Your first 10 000 photographs are your worst.”
- – Henri Cartier Bresson
First impressions of St Petersburg
– The city is huge. Distances on the map are misleading. The Neva is massive.
– Russians drive like they’re out of their f***ing mind
– Flower shops are everywhere and the flowers look so much better than ours. People buy each other flowers a lot. How romantic.
– A lot of young soldiers in uniform
– The food is much better than I thought
– Women look stunning, men not so much
– No english speaking!
– Scarcity of deodorant use
– Feels like time has stopped back in the 19th century.
The coat of arms of Russia. The red symbolizes the Great Russia (the Small Russia being Ukraine and White Russia – Bielorussia). The two-headed crowned eagle represents the Russian Empire which territory joins two continents, Europe and Asia.
The sceptre and golden sphere represent the power of the tsar and of the russian orthodox church. In the center, the eagle carries a small shield of Saint-Georges, patron of the slavs.
This coat of arms was restored in 1993.