“Night was advancing. I perceived the heavens, some stars, and a little verdure. This first sensation was a delicious moment. I felt nothing farther. I was returning at this instant to life, and it seemed to me I filled, with my frail existence, every object I perceived. In this state I recollected, at that instant, nothing; I had not the least distinct notion of my individual, not the least idea of that which had just happened; I knew not who or where I was; I felt neither pain, nor fear, nor uneasiness. I saw my blood run, as I had seen a stream run, without, in the least, dreaming that this blood belonged to me in any sort. I felt all over my frame a ravishing calm, to which, each time I recall it to my remembrance, I never felt any thing comparable in the greatest activity of known pleasures.”
Reveries of a Solitary Walker – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Note to self)
A delicious breakfast smoothie:
– Ice
– 2 frozen bananas (peel before freezing)
– 1/2 cup of greek yogurt
– 2 table spoons of peanut butter (organic)
– 1 table spoon of honey
– 2 cups of chocolate almond milk
– 1/2 cup of protein powder (optional)
I did my first hike, between 6:30 and 9:30 am (later than that it gets too hot). The sunrise was spectacular.
The charming Aly and Ash from Seattle who made my week a fun, rich and refreshing americano-parisian whirlwind.