In his 1985 song “Russians” (which melody comes from Prokofiev) Sting sang “there isn’t a monopoly of common sense / on either side of the political fence”.
Well, there is a number of things I have observed which goes to show that today, common sense might actually be on Russia’s side.
For example, they have a day here called “День учителя” – the day of teachers. A day during which children, students and parents pay tribute to teachers and professors all around the country by bringing them gifts and – as usual here – flowers. You can feel a profound respect for education; it’s a serious business.
There is something incredibly right, and relieving, about being in a country (city?) that isn’t (yet?) fanatically capitalistic and liberal, and where certain values are still sacred. Oh and I haven’t mentionned “День пожилых людей” – the day of old people!
In France, that type of deference has completely disappeared.
So what side of the fence again?
This poster says: “For them, it’s their future! 5th of october, Day of teachers”
This one says “Tell them thank you! 1st of october, Day of old people”